Page 125 - Gottes farbenprächtiges Kunstwerk
P. 125
Zweifel, Enyc. of Reptiles&Amphibians, 1996, S. 118 - 120
1998, s.200 50. Karl Roessler, Coral Kingdoms,
34. Marco Ferrari, Colors for Survival, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1986, S.
Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1992, S. 125
129 51. Temel Britannica Ansiklopedisi,
35. Marco Ferrari, Colors for Survival, Band 7, S. 16
Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1992, S. 52. Franklyn Branley, Color, From
126 Rainbows to Lasers, Thomas Y. Crowell
36. David Attenborough, The Trials of Comp., New York, S. 37
Life, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 53. Franklyn Branley, Color, From
S. 235 Rainbows to Lasers, Thomas Y. Crowell
37. David Attenborough, The Trials of Comp., New York, S. 38
Life, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 54. Francis Darwin, Life and Letters,
S. 193 Band II, S. 275
38. Marco Ferrari, Colors for Survival, 55. Francis Darwin, Life and Letters,
Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1992, S. Band II, S. 305
158 56. J. Hawkes, Nine Tentalizing
39. David Attenborough, The Life of Mysteries of Nature, New York Times
Birds, Princeton University Press, New Magazine, 1957, S. 33
Jersey, 1998, S. 158 57. Cemal Yıldırım, Evrim Kurami ve
40. Ranger Rick, Mai 1999 Bagnazlik (The Theory of Evolution and
41. Karl Roessler, Coral Kingdoms, Bigotry), Bilgi Verlag, January 1989, S. 108
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1986, S.
42. National Geographic, Oktober
1989, S. 518
43. National Geographic, August 1997,
S. 32
44. The Guinnes Enyclopedia of Living
World, 1992, S. 167
45. Marco Ferrari, Colors for Survival,
Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1992, S.
46. Marco Ferrari, Colors for Survival,
Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1992, S.
47. Marco Ferrari, Colors for Survival,
Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1992, S.
48. Karl Roessler, Coral Kingdoms,
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1986, S.
49. National Geographic, Dezember