Page 46 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 46
The time when the Euphrates will dis close its gold en
treas ure as its waters with draw is approach ing.
Whoever is present at that time, let him take noth ing
from that treas ure. Otherwise, he will die or be killed.
(Narrated by Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim/
Riyazu's Salihin, 3:332)
As we have seen, stop ping the Euphrates' water is
an impor tant sign. In addi tion, many had iths say that a
treas ure as val u a ble as gold will emerge. Let's exam ine
these signs fur ther:
Allah's Messenger (saas) said: "The Hour will not come
to pass before the Euphrates dries up to unveil the
moun tain of gold, for which peo ple will fight. Ninety-
nine out of one hun dred will die [in the fight ing], and
every man among them will say: 'Per haps I may be the
only one to remain alive.' "
(Narrated by Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim/
Riyazu's Salihin, 3:332)
1) … the Euphrates dries up …
As-Suyuti calls this the "stop ping of the water." The
Keban Dam did, in fact, accom plish this feat.