Page 50 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 50


       can not be eclipsed twice in one month under nor mal
       con di tions. However, other por tents can hap pen as a
       result of cer tain caus es and can be com pre hend ed.
         Close inspec tion of the phe nom e na described in
       these had iths reveals var i ous dif fer en ces between the
       accounts. According to the first, sec ond, and third
       accounts, the Moon will be eclipsed on the first day of
       Ramadan, and accord ing to the fourth it will be eclipsed
       on the last day. The cor rect course of action here is to
       find the com mon ground in these accounts:
         1. There will be lunar and solar eclip ses in Ramadan.
         2. These eclip ses will be equi dis tant, at inter vals of
       14-15 days.
         3. These eclip ses will be repeat ed twice.

         In line with these cal cu la tions, the Moon was eclipsed
       on 15 Ramadan 1401 (1981) and the Sun on 29
       Ramadan 1401. And, the Moon was again eclipsed on
       14 Ramadan 1402 (1982)) and the Sun on 28 Ramadan
         Significantly, this had ith declares that the Moon
       should be eclipsed in the mid dle of Ramadan as a full
       moon. This is noted as being a por tent.
         The fact that these events took place in the same
       peri od as the other por tents of the Mahdi's com ing and
       were mirac u lous ly repeat ed twice at the begin ning of

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