Page 49 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 49


         A lunar eclipse will occur in the first night of Ramadan.
         In the mid dle of Ramadan, a solar eclipse will occur.
                                 (Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah, p. 199)
         During his [the Mahdi's] reign, on the four teenth of
         Ramadan, a solar eclipse will occur. On the first of that
         month, the Moon will dark en...
                (Imam Rabbani, Letters of Rabbani, p. 380; 2:1163)
         ... The solar eclipse in the mid dle of Ramadan, and the
         lunar eclipse at the end ...
              (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Al a mat al-Mahdi,, p.
         There will be two lunar eclip ses in Ramadan...
                      (al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, p. 53)
         There will be two lunar eclip ses in Ramadan before the
         Mahdi emer ges.
                                 (Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah, p. 200)
         There will be two solar eclip ses in Ramadan before the
         Mahdi's advent.
                         (Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 440)

          The most impor tant points here are the solar eclipse
        in the mid dle of Ramadan and that the Sun and Moon

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