Page 53 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 53

       Halley's comet came very close to
         the earth yes ter day morn ing   A tailed star will be born in
                                the east and spread its
                              light. Its daily direc tion will be
                              from east to west.

                                   (Imam Rabbani, Letters of
                                         Rabbani, 2:1170)

                                 Whenever this comet has
                              passed by, events that rep -
                              re sent sig nif i cant turn ing
                              points with regard to
                              Muslims have taken place.
                              Some of these are revealed

           HALLEY'S COMET
                                    30 APRIL
                                          10 MAY
                              20 APRIL
           (51st north ern merid i an)       20 MAY
                     1 MARCH   10 APRIL         30 MAY
                (19 FEBRUARY 11 MARCH

        in the accounts hand ed down from our Prophet (saas).
        According to these accounts, when the comet was
          - The peo ple of Prophet Nuh (as) were destroyed,
          - Prophet Ibrahim (as) was cast into the fire,

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