Page 57 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 57


         attack each other. This strife is so wide spread that legs
         are bur ied in lakes of blood.
              (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Al a mat al-Mahdi, p.

          The phrase "the year in which he will emerge" draws
        atten tion to a mas sa cre that will occur on the date of
        the Mahdi's emer gence. In 1979, a mas sa cre very like
        this one occurred dur ing the raid on the Ka'bah, which
        took place dur ing the pil grim age month on the first day
        of the Islamic year 1400 (21 November 1979). The had -
        iths also men tion blood shed. The kill ing of 30 peo ple
        dur ing the clash es between Saudi sol diers and mil i -
        tants dur ing the raid con firms the rest of this had ith.
          Seven years after this attack, an even blood i er event
        took place dur ing the Hajj: 402 peo ple were killed in
        attacks on pil grims dem on strat ing in the streets, and
        much blood was spilled. Muslims com mit ted ter ri ble
        sins by kill ing each other (the Saudi troops and the
        Iranian pil grims) beside al-Bayt-al Mu'azza mah (the
        Ka'bah). These bloody inci dents bear a close resem -
        blance to the cli mate described in the rel e vant had iths:

         The Prophet (saas) said: "There will be a voice in
         Ramadan, a noise in Shawwal, and war between the
         tribes in the month of Dhu al-Qa'dah. Pilgrims will be

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