Page 59 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 59
There will be a voice in Ramadan, and a voice in
Shawwal. In Dhu al-Qa'dah, the tribes will fight one
anoth er. In Dhu al-Hijjah, pil grims will be despoiled. In
Muharram, there will be a shout from the sky: "Take
heed. Such a per son is of the aus pi cious ones of the
peo ple of Allah. Listen to and obey him."
(Rumuz al-Ahadith,2:518, no. 5)
There will be rebel lion in Shawwal, talk of war in Dhu al-
Qa'dah, and an act of war in Dhu al-Hijjah. Pilgrims will
be despoiled, and their blood will flow [over the Ka'bah].
(Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah, p. 166)
In the month of Dhu al-Qa'dah, the tribes will wage war,
pil grims will be kid napped, and there will be bloody
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Al a mat al-Mahdi, p.
There come the cries of war in [the month of] Shawwal
with the out break of war, mas sa cre, and car nage in [the
month of] Dhu al-Hijjah. The pil grims are plun dered in
this month, the streets can not be crossed because of
the [amount of] blood shed, and reli gious pro hi bi tions
are vio lat ed. Big sins are com mit ted near al-Bayt-al
Mu'azza mah [the Ka'bah].
(Ibid., p. 37)