Page 64 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 64


       di na ry sign. What real ly counts is its occur rence in com -
       pli ance with the prop er ties of the flame described in
       the had iths and the time of its occur rence. To do this,
       first we must con sid er its prop er ties.
         In July 1991, after Iraq invad ed Kuwait, a huge fire
       spread through out Kuwait and the Persian Gulf as the
       Iraqis fired Kuwait's oil wells. This is how this fire was
       cov ered in the media:
         - The burn ing oil in Kuwait led to the deaths of peo -
       ple and ani mals. According to experts, half a mil lion
       tons of oil went up into the atmos phere as smoke. Every
       day, more than 10,000 tons of soot, sul fur, car bon-diox -
       ide and large quan ti ties of hydro car bons with their car -

       One of the por tents of the End Times "the sight ing of a fire from the
       East." This refers to the burn ing of the oil wells dur ing the Gulf War.

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