Page 66 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 66


       gled to sur vive because of the pol lu tion in the Persian
       Gulf. It has been stat ed that smoke ris ing from 600 oil
       wells has spread to neigh bor ing coun tries, and that
       smoke con tain ing such car cin o gen ic sub stan ces as
       sul fur has turned into acid rain and reduced agri cul tur -
       al pro duc tiv i ty.
              (Kurtlar Sofrasında Ortadoğu, M. Necati Ozfatura, p.
         I swear that a fire will enfold you. That fire is cur rent -
       ly lying extin guished in the val ley known as Berehut [the
       name of a val ley or a well].
                  (Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 461, Qamus
                                       Translation, 1:550)
         The had ith's first part says that the flame "is pres -
       ent ly in an extin guished state." Given that the flame is
       the result of burn ing an inflam ma ble sub stance, what
       waits in an extin guished state is not the flame itself but
       rath er the mate ri al to be burned by the flame. In this
       con text, this may mean under ground oil. Berehut is the
       name of a well. This can be con sid ered an oil well. When
       the time comes, oil extract ed from these wells will
       become a fire ready to be burned.
         "That flame swal lows up peo ple with ter ri ble pain
       inside it." This flame is not mere ly a burn ing flare, but
       also one that deprives peo ple of their lives and pos ses -
       sions, mak ing them mis er a ble and sor row ful, and con -
       tam i nates the sur round ing envi ron ment.
         "That flame … burns up and destroys peo ple and

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