Page 63 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 63
prop er ty, and spreads all over the world by fly ing like a
cloud with the assist ance of winds. Its heat at night is
much high er than its day time tem per a ture. By going as
deep as the cen ter of Earth from above the heads of
peo ple, that flame becomes a ter ri ble noise, just like
the light ning between the ground and the sky."
(Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 461)
Here, we give a brief expla na tion of this flame:
Some peo ple wait for this flame as a sign that comes
sud den ly and for no par tic u lar rea son, that never goes
out, and that every one can see. Since the trial con tin -
ues dur ing the occur rence of these signs, just because
peo ple will see them does not mean that they will under -
stand them. Thus, peo ple will make their deci sions by
using their intel lect, mind, con science, and will. If the
End Time signs had been nar rat ed in full detail (e.g.,
how, when, and where they will occur), every body
would have had to accept them. Thus, no dif fer en ces of
degree would be left among the peo ple. For this rea -
son, these had iths have been com mu ni cat ed in a semi-
implic it man ner.
The sign con cern ing the flame must be eval u at ed in
this man ner. A flame is the result of either an acci dent
due to neglect or to a delib er ate action. The had iths do
not say that it must occur as a very strange and extraor -