Page 60 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 60
Terror in Hajj
Terror in the Kaaba
402 dead at the Kaaba
A great sin will be com mit ted beside al-Bayt al-
Mu'azza mah
The above had ith draws our atten tion to inci dents
that will occur by al-Bayt al-Mu'azza mah (the Ka'bah),
not inside it. In con trast to the first, the events of Dhu al-
Hijjah 1407 ah (dur ing the hajj sea son) hap pened not
inside the Ka'bah, but beside it. The first event
described took place inside the Ka'bah on 1 Muharram
1400, in line with the indi ca tions given in both had iths.
Two major events, shed ding blood in the Ka'bah and
kill ing pil grims, take place one after the other at a time
when all of the por tents regard ing the Mahdi are com -
ing true. This appears to be more than coin ci den tal.
When we exam ine the expres sions in these had iths,
we see signs point ing to other impor tant events that
will occur at the same time:
- ... [There will be] out break of war, mas sa cre,
and car nage in [the month of] Dhu al-Hijjah.
The com bined ref er ence in the had iths to war, con -