Page 65 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 65
cin o gen ic prop er ties hang sus pend ed over the Gulf. It
is not just the Gulf but, on its behalf, the world is burn -
(Kurtlar Sofrasında Ortadoğu, M. Necati Özfat u ra,
- Two wells that were set alight pro duced as much
oil as Turkey does in one day, and the smoke from them
were even seen from Saudi Arabia, 55 kil o me ters away.
(Hurriyet Newspaper, January 23, 1991)
- Hundreds of oil wells set alight in Kuwait are still
burn ing fierce ly. Experts say it will be "exceed ing ly dif -
fi cult to put those fires out," and it is said that the fires
may affect a wide area from Turkey to India for the next
10 years.
The fire and smoke com ing from the wells con stant -
ly pol lut ed the atmos phere. Daytime resem bled night
in Kuwait. The brown smoke that rose togeth er with the
flames remind ed one of the sky as the autumn turns
into win ter… It has been stat ed that it would take at
least a cen tu ry for Kuwait to be com plete ly hab it a ble
again. The smoke that rises with the flames is vis i ble
from miles away, total ly block ing out the sky and mak -
ing the coun try unfit to live in. The wealthy are aban -
don ing Kuwait.
According to a state ment by Abdullah Dabbagh,
direct or of the research insti tute in Dhahran, in the New
York Times, 106 spe cies of fish, 180 spe cies of mol -
lusk, and 450 ani mal spe cies liv ing in the region strug -