Page 67 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 67


        prop er ty." This flame caus es the death of peo ple. In
        addi tion, it burns up prop er ty, caus ing mate ri al dam -
        age, and, by pol lut ing the sur round ing envi ron ment,
        destroys what peo ple need in order to live.
          "… spreads all over the world in eight days by fly ing
        like a cloud with the assist ance of winds." This par tic -
        u lar ele ment is the smoke that the flame pro du ces.
        Thus, this met a phor indi cates that the smoke will reach
        as high as the clouds and spread in all direc tions due to
        the wind.
          "Its heat at night is much high er than its day time tem -
        per a ture." In other words, the flame will burn around
        the clock.
          "By going as deep as the cen ter of Earth from above
        the heads of peo ple, that flame makes a ter ri ble noise,
        just like the thun der between the ground and the sky."
        Attention is drawn to the facts that the flame will climb
        very high into the air and cause a very strong noise and
        explo sions resem bling a thun der.
          "… a brand new red ness, unlike the usual color of
        red, spread ing over the sky…" This part of the had ith
        points out that the inci dent will occur at night, for the
        flames of a large night time explo sion lead to a very
        strong illu mi na tion. The red illu mi na tion caused by such
        red flames is very dif fer ent from the red "dawn" red -
        ness with which peo ple are famil iar. Such an illu mi na -
        tion at night, which is very sim  i lar to day light, is an
        extraor di na ry phe nom e non.
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