Page 72 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 72
- The Soviet Union col lapsed, thanks to Gorbachev,
and the newly inde pend ent states of Central Asia
- The Gulf War broke out, Iraq annexed and then fled
- The United States and Britain occu pied Iraq in 2003,
- An earth quake in Armenia reduced cit ies to rub ble,
caus ing 500,000 peo ple to leave their homes and more
than 40,000 peo ple to lose their lives,
- The Chinese gov ern ment sent its tanks into
Tienanmen Square dur ing 1989 to crush a stu dent
move ment demand ing great er free dom; 2,000 stu dents
- The Berlin Wall, which for 28 years had sym bol ized
the cold war, was torn down,
- More than 1,400 pil grims were killed in a stam pede
at a tun nel in the Ka'bah in 1990,
- Approximately 139,000 peo ple died from flood ing in
Bangladesh in 1991, and 10 mil lion were left home less,
- Hundreds of thou sands of Muslims were killed in
the atroc i ties in Bosnia and Kosovo, and hun dreds of
thou sands more were exiled,
- The Ebola virus led to the deaths of tens of thou -
sands, and
- The hur ri canes, tor na does, whirl winds, and floods
caused by El Niño led to the deaths of thou sands of
peo ple, to mil lions flee ing their homes, and to bil lions of
dol lars worth of dam age.