Page 75 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 75
The first cases of AIDs were
iden ti fied in the early 1980s.
This dis ease, which has
caused the deaths of tens of
thou sands of peo ple to date,
came to be known as the
"plague of the age." AIDS put
an end to the "Sexual
Revolution" that began in
America in the 1960s and
brought with it all forms of
sex u al free dom.
Pope John Paul II was shot by
Mehmet Ali Ağca.
The Ebola virus has
caused the deaths of
thou sands of peo ple.
Tornados, hur ri canes
and floods in America
have caused mil lions of
dol lars of dam age over
the last 20 years.