Page 80 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 80
Eclipse of the Sun
The solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 was the final
eclipse of the Sun dur ing the twen ti eth cen tu ry. This
was the first time that so many peo ple could actu al ly
watch and inves ti gate such an event for an extend ed
peri od of time. One note wor thy aspect of this eclipse
was that it could be seen in Turkey in some 12 cit ies
and 100 dis tricts.
It is no coin ci dence that so many signs have taken
place one after the other in such a short space of time.
Each of these por tents rep re sents glad tid ings for
believ ers.
The solar eclipse can be watched along the line in the pic ture. Turkey is
one of the coun tries in which the eclipse of the Sun can be watched
long est.