Page 83 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 83
destroyed, rais ing up other peo ple after them. (Surat
al-Anbiya', 11)
When Our com mand came, We turned their cit ies
upside down and rained down on them stones of
hard baked clay. (Surah Hud, 82)
How many cit ies We have destroyed. Our vio lent
force came down on them dur ing the night or while
they were asleep dur ing the day. (Surat al-A'raf, 4)
The twen ti eth cen tu ry's wars total ly ruined many
great cit ies (e.g., Berlin, Hamburg, Warsaw, Leningrad,
Bucharest, Beirut and London). It took years to rebuild
Anzio, like many Italian towns, was The Swiss Embassy in Berlin, ruined
ruined in the Second World War. by bomb ing.