Page 85 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 85


         (al-ard al-muqad da sa) know that earth quakes, afflic -
         tions, and great events are nigh. On that day, Doomsday
         is clos er to human i ty than this hand is to my head.
                                       (Sunan Abu Dawud)
         When the gen er a tions that fol low my com mu ni ty insult
         those who went before (with var i ous pre texts and excus es),
         expect red winds, earth quakes and chan ges of appear -
         ance (met a mor pho sis or stones rain ing from the sky).
                           (Tirmidhi Hadiths, Fitan 39, p. 2211)

      A pow er ful earth quake struck
      San Francisco in 1989.
      Thousands of peo ple dies and
      hun dreds of thou sands were
      left home less in the Armenian
      earth quake of 1988. Billions of
      dol lars of dam age was done.
      Huge cracks in the ground
      appeared in an earth quake
      meas ur ing 9.2 in Alaska.

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