Page 87 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 87


         In the End Times, when amuse ments and dan cers
         appear and alco hol is said to be per mit ted, there will
         be col lapse; it will rain stones; and peo ple will change
         their appear ance.

             (Sahl Ibn Sa'd, Ahmad Diya' al-Din al Kamushkhanawi,
                                 Rumuz al-Ahadith, 2:302/8)
         Doomsday will not take place until knowl edge van ish -
         es, earth quakes mul ti ply, time is short en ed, strife
         appears, and mur ders flour ish.
                                  (Sahih Bukhari, Ibn Majah)

                              The dam age caused by a 6.7 scale
                              earth quake that hit California on 17
                              January, 1994, exceed ed $40 bil lion.

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