Page 71 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 71
- A gas leak in a Bombay fac to ry killed 20,000 peo -
- War broke out between two Muslim nations: Iran
and Iraq,
- The Soviet Union occu pied Afghanistan,
- On September 19, 1985, Mexico City was dev as tat -
ed by an earth quake,
- The Nevado del Ruiz vol ca no erupt ed, wip ing the
town of Armero off the map and kill ing 25,000 peo ple,
- Floods in Bangladesh killed 25,000 peo ple,
- Rome, the heart of the Catholic Church, was flood -
- The worst for est fire in his to ry broke out in China,
- Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her suc -
ces sor Rajiv Gandhi, along with President Anwar al-
Sadat of Egypt and Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Palme,
were assas si nat ed,
- Pope John Paul II was shot,
- The AIDS virus, iden ti fied in 1980, has so far killed
tens of thou sands of peo ple and is known as the
"Plague of the Age,"
- The Challenger space shut tle explod ed after take-
off in 1986,
- The worst nucle ar acci dent in his to ry occurred
when the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor, locat ed in the
Soviet Union, explod ed on 26 April 1986 and affect ed
many European coun tries by the released radi a tion,
- A hole was dis cov ered in the ozone layer,