Page 261 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 261

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             their own beliefs because these people were exposed to intensive deter-
             rent propaganda. Darwinism could now only be kept alive through
             pressure, violence and intimidation.
                  But the position has now changed. The invalidity of Darwinism
             has been revealed, irrefutably and with scientific evidence. It has been
             clearly proven that Darwinism is a huge lie kept propped up through
             fakes and fraud. The great work, the Atlas of Creation, has entered the

             homes of scientists, university professors and people in charge of run-
             ning countries, and everyone with an interest in the subject, including
             students, can easily access that work over the internet. This state of af-
             fairs has been met by Darwinists with astonishment, panic, fear and
             alarm; they have attempted, in their own foolish way, but failed to pre-
             vent the Atlas of Creation being read. They themselves have begun to see
             that their theory is at a dead-end.
                  A profound silence now reigns in Darwinist circles in the face of
             these facts. Some fanatical Darwinists have adopted the mentality of “it
             doesn’t hurt a bit,” like a child who has had a toy taken away, even
             though they have seen the vast quantities of scientific evidence that un-

             dermines the theory of evolution, and the huge interest people have
             shown in it, and even though they are well aware that Darwinism has
             in fact collapsed. They foolishly try not to let on, however, by saying, “I
             believe in Darwinism no matter what, and shall continue to espouse it.”
             The fact is, however, that this is just another Darwinist trick that will
             get them nowhere.
                  As Allah reveals in the verse, "... Satan’s scheming is always fee-
             ble" (Surat an-Nisa’, 76) Darwinism, the system of the dajjal, collapses
             very rapidly. So much so that it is finished merely by the fact that pro-

             teins cannot appear spontaneously, or that transitional fossils do not
             exist. A Darwinist cannot remain a Darwinist in the wake of that infor-
             mation. All he can say, with a mindless obstinacy, is “I believe and in-
             tend to go on believing.” But that is not what he really thinks. It is no

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