Page 262 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 262
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
longer possible for him to believe in Darwinism. Some adherents of
Darwinism are persisting in the same obstinacy as a child who claims
that the soap his mouth has been washed out with is not at all unpleas-
ant. But whether the child claims the soap does not taste unpleasant is
irrelevant. What matters at the end of the day is that he experiences the
unpleasant taste caused by the soap. Therefore, in all likelihood there is
not a single Darwinist left in the wake of all the scientific evidence
proving the invalidity of Darwinism who is unaware that Darwinism is
a fraud.
Darwinists are now aware that it is of no use to try to deceive peo-
ple in order to shield the theory. The Darwinism that they created with
imaginary scenarios and various frauds over 150 years ago, and that
they kept propped up by force has finally come to an end. It is impos-
sible for any Darwinist to persist in this perverse belief once he has
learned that this whole fantastical tale is untrue. Darwinists have been
waiting for a supposed savior all this time. They imagined a scientist
would appear and produce the mythical fossils they had been antici-
pating all these years. But they have seen with their own eyes that this
will never happen, and are now convinced of it in their own minds.
Notre Dame University Professor of Philosophy Peter van Inwogen
speaks of a most valuable truth:
If Darwinians respond to this important book by ignoring it, misrepre-
senting it, or ridiculing it, that will be evidence in favor of the widespread
suspicion that Darwinism today functions more as an ideology than as a
scientific theory. 161
No matter how much Darwinists may say, “it doesn’t hurt a bit,”
it is clear from their reactions, the measures they take, and the intense
state of panic going on, that this defeat has come as a stunning shock.
That may of course be very difficult for a scientist who has believed in
the lie of Darwinism for many years and realized he has been deceived
only later in life. People are generally unwilling to admit they have