Page 267 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 267
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
But these methods no longer do Darwinists any good.
The difference between today and the past is that these decisions
taken at international assemblies used to have an effect on people and
it was easier to achieve the aim of drawing people under the spell of
Darwinism closer into its orbit. The current state of affairs, however, is
that with the debut of the Atlas of Creation at the European Council plat-
form and the following debate on how the book should be opposed, the
prevailing anger at the defeat of Darwinism has made itself all too
clearly felt.
These things are all definitely signs of defeat. They show how ef-
fective the scientific and rationally intellectual campaign against
Darwinism has been. In a statement in Science magazine, the evolution-
ist Professor Ümit Sayın summarizes the current state of affairs arrived
at under the influence of the works of Harun Yahya:
"There is no fight against the creationists now. They have won the war …
In 1998, I was able to motivate six members of the Turkish Academy of
Sciences to speak out against the creationist movement. Today, it's im-
possible to motivate anyone." 170
Nobody of course will attempt to propagate Darwinism on the
conference floor in the full knowledge that it is untrue and has been ex-
posed. The Darwinists have no scientific evidence and no scientific
statement they can produce against the fact of Creation.
The lifting of the Darwinist spell has, without doubt, done away
with Darwinism altogether because they attempted to keep this per-
verse religion propped up by maintaining the Darwinist spell. When
that spell was lifted, the theory was left with nothing to cling to since it
had no scientific foundations. No method that the system of the dajjal
might use to keep Darwinism propped up will serve any purpose at all.
Darwinism will seem as ludicrous to future generations as the stories
that people told, with utter conviction, in the distant past about the
Earth resting on the back of a giant tortoise. People will be unable to
comprehend how Nobel Prize-winning professors, university teachers