Page 263 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 263

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             been deceived and that they have blindly supported that deceiver. That
             is why the first way out is to say, “I don’t believe it” when faced with
             evidence against Darwinism. But in fact that person believes in the ev-
             idence placed before him 100%. When asked again six months later his
             anger will have subsided and he will start answering. In all likelihood
             he will say, "Darwinism may or may not be true.” He will try to quibble
             and look for middle ground such as “new evidence may appear in the
             future.” But the fact is he is well aware that this perverse ideology is a
             deception bereft of any evidence, yet he will find it difficult to admit
             that right away. But nevertheless, Darwinism is finished for that per-

                  He will find it hard to believe (and laughable) that he ever es-
             poused the idea that drops of oil fell into water and turned into protein.
             He will wonder how he ever failed to understand that not a single tran-
             sitional form fossil exists; he will be astonished at himself and be

         Fat particles cannot fall into
         water, turn into protein and
         produce life...

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