Page 382 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 382
ing oppressed and that their riot would be the rising of the so-called 'down-
trodden people'. Clashes and bloodshed would look like the natural out-
come of this insidious plan.
General Mayewski, Russia's General Consul in Van and Bitlis, recalls
the shameless sedition and provocation by the British deep state:
Europe had to see that Christians of Turkey – this time Armenians – were
being oppressed and tyrannized by the Turks. This is what happened with
Serbia and Bulgaria before and the plan was to use Armenians in the same
way… Propaganda was like this: 'Only with blood, Armenians can be free.
Shed blood, Europe will protect you.' They were convinced that there had
to be bloodshed. They were positive that once Armenian blood was shed,
Europe would rush to protect Armenians. If this hadn't been the case, there
wouldn't have been this much violence. If the desire for autonomy hadn't
been strong, would thousands of lives be sacrificed upon the orders of Lon-
don? 222
The divisive sedition policy of the British deep state became more clear
and visible over time. British Prime Minister Gladstone, who took office in
1880, declared that 'to serve Armenians is to serve civilization' and hinted
at the British deep state's policy when he stated that Armenians should be
given independence for the East to progress and achieve enlightenment. It
shouldn't be surprising that the Gladstone government gathered Armeni-
ans together, helped them organize and egged them on by promising British
support for their new state. However, their concern was neither protect-
ing the Armenians nor bringing 'enlightenment' to the East. The true goal
was dividing the Middle East into smaller parts, hoping that it would then
be easier to control.
Historian Süleyman Kocabaş described this well-known fact with the
following words:
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed