Page 386 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 386
The Impact of Some So-Called Missionaries on the
Armenian Community
British consuls were constantly telling lies about Ottoman administration
to our Armenian citizens and were showing British as their savior. To this end,
they would tour Armenian villages and spread their propaganda. One
telegram sent from the province of Adana to the Minister of Internal Affairs
described such separatist activities of the consuls very clearly:
Captain Cooper, the British Deputy Consul in Adana, is given this assignment
only for overseeing the issues of British citizens like a normal deputy consul
according to the imperial edict issued by the British State. However since the
first day he arrived here, he has been portraying himself as a defender of the
downtrodden. He has been asking people who have lost in courts to go to him,
accepts the petitions and suggestions of tradesmen and complainants, promis-
ing to help them. He then goes and questions the prosecutors about their de-
cisions and says, 'why did the court make this decision', slanders the Ottoman
Empire before the complainants and tries to win their hearts by praising the
justice of Britain. His actions have passed the borders of being tolerable… Ru-
mors have begun circulating around here that this place will be left to the
British like Cyprus has been handed over to them and that's why the consul
came in the first place, and that Kozan, Zeytun, Dersim and Van would be
entrusted to the autonomous management of an Armenian governor that
would be called Armenia like in Bulgaria. There is no need to explain how
dangerous this development is for the independence and jurisdiction of the Ot-
toman Empire and how it will damage the order and safety of the country. If
the situation continues, the opinions of the citizens will completely change
and things will get even more dangerous. Not having any instructions as to
how we should proceed with regards to these developments leaves me in a
state of confusion and trouble as my sense of duty and my desire to protect
the dignity of the government require me to take action. Please kindly send
me your detailed instructions as to what should be done. 227 (December 15,
After a while, the activities referred to in the above telegram began to af-
fect some Armenians. While many of our Armenian citizens remained loyal
to the state, some of them -albeit few- were swayed by the British deep state.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed