Page 387 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 387

Adnan Harun Yahya

                          Surp Boğos Armenian Catholic Church
                          opened during the Ottoman Empire still
                          exists and welcomes our Armenian broth-
                          ers and sisters even today.

                        For its plan to break up the Ottoman Empire, the British deep state required
                        intelligence from Anatolia. These Armenian rebels working under the British

                        deep state's control acted as the fifth branch of the British intelligence oper-
                        ations between 1890 and 1922. During the Gallipoli Campaign, as well as the

                        Armenian incidents in Adana and the 1915 riots, the British intelligence and
                        Armenian rebel groups worked closely together, because those Armenian

                        rebels, having lived in Anatolia for a very long time, were as knowledgeable
                        of Anatolia as the Turks. In other words, the Armenian insurgency provided

                        the much-needed intelligence to the British deep state for its full-fledged war
                        on the Ottoman Empire. This exploitation and recruitment of some Arme-

                        nians that the British deep state managed to deceive was nothing other than
                        the implementation of a plan that had been elaborately developed over a

                        course of almost 100 years.
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