Page 384 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 384
Indeed, the Armenian rebels in question organized a large rally in 1896
in Liverpool, where Gladstone gave another fiery speech sowing more seeds
of sedition among the Armenians. 225
According to William L. Langer, who was a former chairman of the his-
tory department at Harvard University, "England is more responsible for the
cold-blooded murders [in Turkey] which have come near exterminating the Ar-
menians than all other nations put together". 226
Armenian riots managed and supervised by the British consuls in Ana-
tolia reached their peak in July and August 1895. The Armenian riots that
broke out in the year 1895 were as follows: September 29 in Divriği, October
2 in Trabzon, October 6 in Eğin, October 7 in Develi, October 9 in Akhisar,
October 21 in Erzincan, October 25 in Gümüşhane, October 25 in Bitlis, Oc-
tober 26 in Bayburt, October 27 in Maraş, October 29 in Urfa, October 30 in
Erzurum, November 2 in Diyarbakır, November 2 in Siverek, November 4 in
Malatya, November 7 in Harput, November 9 in Arapgir, November 15 in
Sivas, November 15 in Merzifon, November 16 in Antep, November 18 in
Maraş, November 22 in Muş, December 3 in Kayseri and December 3 in Yoz-
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed