Page 618 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 618
Although Turkey maintained that the decision about Mosul was unjust,
due to its foreign policy of pursuing peaceful means to resolve problems, it
refrained from further escalating the issue and voiced its protest through
diplomacy in line with the circumstances of the day. As a part of this strate-
gy, it signed a Treaty of Friendship and Neutrality with the Soviet Union on
December 17, 1925. This treaty was a 'natural agreement' based on the rap-
prochement of two countries, which started during the Turkish War of In-
dependence. However, it is noteworthy that it was signed the day after the
League of Nations' decision on Mosul. In that sense, it was a continuation of
the Soviet-Turkish Treaty of Friendship signed on March 16, 1921, the Treaty
of Kars signed with Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan on October 13, 1921,
which were Soviet Republics then, and finally the Treaty of Friendship and
Brotherhood signed with Ukraine on January 2, 1922. It was also a reaction
against the Mosul decision.
What Does the Mosul Question Tell Us?
While studying the Mosul negotiations at Lausanne, it is important to un-
derstand why the British deep state was so adamant. The so-called 'Kurdish
problem', which had never existed before, suddenly started after Mosul was
forcefully brought under British control with the Lausanne negotiations. The
century-old plan of the British deep state included fabricating the non-exis-
tent 'Kurdish problem' for Turkey, which lingers even today. 'Separation of
Turks and Kurds' was first brought up during those days, almost building the
infrastructure for a plan that would be used in the future by terror groups.
Even though the Kurds of Turkey and Mosul repeatedly stated that they were
'Turks' and 'loyal to Turkey', and although the Kurdish members of the Turk-
ish Parliament shouted out clearly that there was no discord or problem be-
tween Turks and Kurds, the British deep state continued its relentless pro-
paganda that said otherwise.
Just like its artificial beginning, the 'Kurdish problem' is still artificial to-
day, when we look at its causes. It should be noted that those people who claim
today that such a divide exists and who assume a racist language according-
ly, are in truth either agents or sycophants that serve the British deep state.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed