Page 619 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 619

Adnan Harun Yahya

                                                                                      An artificial Kurdish
                                                                                      problem was slyly
                                                                                      created in Mosul, a
                                                                                      Turkish territory.
                                                                                      (Below) A painting of

                        Such people with that state of mind have been a part of deep state structures
                        throughout Turkey's history; they have followed an oppressive policy towards

                        Kurds and even resorted to violence, and they have created a divide in Turkey.
                        Today it is well known that such people created polarization and an artificial

                        hatred for minorities. A careful analysis of the current situation will reveal
                        how the provocation of these people is supported by the familiar publications

                        under the control of the British deep state.
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