Page 64 - The Day of Judgment
P. 64

62                      THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

             parts of polar glaciers melted, icebergs melted and raised the
             oceans' water levels, colder winters than usual, extreme rainfall, and
             devastating hurricanes and floods. The hole in the ozone layer
             exposed Earth to harmful radiation from space, increased cancer
             rates, caused new illnesses to be identified and diagnosed, and
             revealed degenerative developments in plant life. American
             scientists and Greenpeace activists discovered during their research
             in Alaska that the Bering Glacier has shrunk by 12 kms (7.5 miles) in
             length and 130 m (155 square yards) in size. 10  The ocean's water
             temperature increased by 0.8 degrees; corals, which play a vital role
             in the ecosystem's balance, began to die; and 80 percent of the
             plankton was destroyed. 11
               Over the last few centuries, many new probable causes for the
             world's end have emerged, and their number continues to increase
             every day. Our planet's current situation contains a strong message:

             Earth's end is a certainty, and its time is approaching. Physicists, in
             particular, frequently express their concerns about this, as follows:
               If the universe has a finite stock of order, and is changing irreversibly
               towards disorder—ultimately to thermodynamic equilibrium—two
               very deep inferences follow immediately. The first is that the universe
               will eventually die, wallowing, as it were, in its own entropy. This is
               known among physicists as the "heat death" of the universe. The second
               is that the universe cannot have existed for ever, otherwise it would
               have reached its equilibrium end state an infinite time ago. Conclusion:
               the universe did not always exist. 12
               It is surprising that so many people continue to live without
             considering their own end and being in awe of Allah, and remain
             totally absorbed by their worldly lives despite the proximity of
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