Page 68 - The Day of Judgment
P. 68
model. What we have related here shows that scientific data implies
that the universe is likely to implode. Moreover, the guardians of
materialist ideologies can posit no serious counterclaim in the face
of such research results.
Dr. Scherman, dean of the University of Chicago's astronomy
department, says that whereas the closed universe idea used to be
represented chiefly by religion and philosophy, there is now much
experimental as well as theoretical evidence that shows its
correctness. 14
Our universe has been expanding for 15 billion years, but
according to the obtained results and at the time when Allah wills,
probably gravity will overcome expansion and bring it to a close.
Once gravity becomes the dominant force in a closed and extremely
dense universe, everything will begin to implode and be reversed,
for all that had until then been cooling and expanding will contract
and heat up. As a result, all of the galaxies will be rapidly brought
closer to one another.
According this model, gravity will end the universe's expansion
and cause the galaxies to move toward one another at escalating
speeds. Devastating collisions will take place; huge stars will collide
and fuse. The Moon, the Sun, and Earth, as well as all other stars and
planets, will fuse, and at the end of this process the imploding
universe will be concentrated in one point and destroyed. The
whole universe will be turned upside down. Given that a small
deviation in Earth's orbit would lead to either the burning up or
freezing to death of all living beings, that a small hole in the
atmosphere can have devastating effects, and that a change to the
23 27' angle of Earth's axis would prevent the seasons, it is not
difficult to estimate the negative effect of the universe's contraction
on the precarious balances upon which its order rests.