Page 67 - The Day of Judgment
P. 67
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 65
conducted many experiments and spent endless hours analyzing
light from distant galaxies through telescopes.
The speed of galactic systems was measured; their size, intensity,
and distance were calculated; and the universe's real density was
researched. The emerging data confirms that the universe's present
density is close to critical density. In other words, it is more
probable that the universe is closed. Once the data obtained by the
American scientists Edwin Loh and Earl Spillar—research that is
based on the study of thousands of galaxies—was added to the
existing data in 1986, the probability of the universe being closed
reached 90 percent.
Furthermore, several factors were disregarded while calculating
the universe's density, which led to the 90 percent figure. For
instance, black holes were not taken into account. If they had been,
the density value would have increased by a certain amount. Once
the dark matters' density—present in all galaxies—is added to the
equation, the emerging picture shows that the universe will cease to
expand and collapse within itself. Dr. John Gribbin, a well-known
physicist and science writer, also stated that the evidence for the
closed universe model has never been so strong. 13
Phrasing it differently, the universe has reached a critical point
and is ready to implode at any time. Allah reveals that one day He
will return the universe to its original state, as follows:
That Day We will fold up Heaven like folding up the pages of
a book. As We originated the first creation so shall We bring it
back again. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will
do. (Surat al-Anbiya', 104)
It is highly probable that this verse indicates the closed universe