Page 69 - The Day of Judgment
P. 69

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                   67

               Allah reveals that the Sun and the Moon will be fused together
             on the Day of Judgment. Perhaps these verses indicate the closed
             universe model. If contraction occurs, the world, our solar system's
             other planets and stars, as well as the Sun and the Moon, will merge.
               In the Qur'an Allah also reveals that the stars will fall from their
             places in the heavens in rapid succession (Surat at-Takwir, 2). This
             verse could indicate a closed universe model, because in this
             scenario the stars will leave their orbit and collide. In a contracting
             universe, time will move backwards, and so there could be
             similarities between the events taking place at that time on Earth
             and the events that occur when entering a black hole. As with
             everything else, gravitational forces will be reversed, Earth will
             disgorge its charges and be shaken, the mountains will be
             pulverized, and the oceans will overflow. We do not know how
             long this process will last, but these events will take place as Allah
             describes them in the Qur'an.
               We can summarize this as follows: If the closed universe model is
             true, the universe will merge in one point and be extinguished by
               However, this does not mean that the expanding universe model

             will save the universe from destruction. If this scenario is true, it
             simply means that the universe will be destroyed in another way.
             Ever since it was created, the universe's density has continued to
             increase, and its temperature nearly reached absolute zero. The
             presently prevailing temperature in space is -270 C—only 3 degrees
             warmer than absolute zero. As long as the expansion continues,
             the universe's temperature will continue to decrease. A temperature
             of -270 C is the most suitable for life to exist. 16  Even minor
             fluctuations will doom all life to death. This temperature cannot
             remain constant in an expanding universe. So, when it falls,
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