Page 77 - The Day of Judgment
P. 77
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 75
case, the skies would take on a red-hot color. As Davies states, on
that Day the superheated gases could form tornados, and the
resemblance thereof to a red rose is obvious.
Allah will bring the Day of Judgment at a predetermined time
and fulfill His promises. These events may take place one by one, or
all at once. Similar things have happened before, for both asteroids
and comets have caused localized and, at other times, widespread,
damage. Only Allah knows the time of the next one.
Scientists predict that an asteroid will come close to Earth in
2028. According to them, if it falls into the Atlantic Ocean, America
and Europe will be submerged; if it falls onto land, it will be far
more destructive. Asteroids entering the atmosphere would cause
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the dust of which would veil
Earth in darkness. Astronomers point out that even the proximity of
such a comet would pose a great danger to Earth. 28
Scientists refer to the Swift-Tuttle comet, which passed close by
in 1993 and is expected to return in 2126. Calculations suggest a high
probability of a collision, as it is expected to pass by at 2 weeks'
distance—a close encounter indeed—and many scientists are
genuinely concerned and worried about such a near miss. The
inconsistent orbits of these objects create a continuous traffic, which
means that Earth and other planets are constantly at risk. According
to experts, Swift-Tuttle or some other object eventually will collide
with Earth. Some of them could cause greater devastation than all of
humanity's nuclear weapons combined. We just do not know when
this will happen.
Davies says "when it does, it will be bad news for people. There will be
an abrupt and unprecedented interruption in the history of our species."
He says that a collision would almost certainly spell the end for
humanity. He deals extensively with this subject in his book The