Page 80 - The Day of Judgment
P. 80
Adnan Oktar: After (Hijri) 1542 there will be no more Risale-i Nur
and no more Qur'an. They will al be raised to the heavens. They will
persist in their vices for 3 years. Yes, from 1542 to '42, '43, '44 and '45.
Then in 1545 all their bodily systems will malfunction. Allah says their
hair will turn snow white. People will experience the worst
conceivable terror. The world will begin to revolve in the other
direction. The Qur'an says the world will lose its sanity, that it will go
mad. And mad actions will begin. There will be an asteroid, a huge
asteroid, a really enormous asteroid. These have usually missed us,
but this one will not. When it strikes, the Earth will begin turning in
the other direction. The core will keep revolving, but the Earth's crust
will be immobilized. Then the crust will begin revolving in the other
direction, but the core will keep spinning. For example, if you fill a bowl
with water and then spin it quickly in a centrifuge. Then when you take
the bowl out the water in it keeps revolving. There will be terrible
damage from that. That is what is described in the verse, "you will see
the seas burning." Columns of magma tens of thousands of kilometers
high will begin spouting up from the Bosphorus, Marmara and the
Mediterranean, from everywhere.
Everywhere will be split open. The
Bosphorus will open and close. It will be
short, but they will experience the worst
ever terror. Then angles will begin
descending ... But the freedom to choose
to believe will no longer apply. There will
be no way back, insha'Allah. These things
will happen in order. (Kral Karadeniz TV,
October 4th 2009)