Page 82 - The Day of Judgment
P. 82

80                      THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

              should not enter a black hole's gravitational field. In fact,
              scientists in America have disclosed the existence of two active

              black holes in the center of our galaxy, each of which can
              swallow up millions of stars larger than our Sun.
                 The American Astronomers Association recently published a
              scientific report in which it says that one of the black holes is
              right in the center of our galaxy, just 26,000 light years away
              from Earth (one light year is almost 9.5 trillion kilometers, or
              nearly six trillion miles). It is called "Sagittarius A" or "A-Star," 31
              and is as large as our solar system but has a mass millions of
              times higher. Based upon calculations, its mass is 2.6 billions
              times that of the Sun and it sucks in stars at a speed of 965 kms
              (600 miles) per second. This is no doubt a serious discovery and
              poses a great danger to our planet.
                 The other black hole, "Old Faithful," is spherical in shape, is
              much larger, and is 40,000 light years away. It resembles an
              insatiable monster that swallows up all stars within its reach.
                 The fact that A-Star swallows up the stars in its environment
              at a speed of 965 kms (600 miles) per second shows that its
              gravitational force increases with every star it swallows.
              Therefore, at the end of this process, the escalating speed with
              which it draws objects to itself will reach an incredible

                 As black holes swallow up light, they cannot be seen or
              perceived even by the most highly developed telescopes and
              other technology. Therefore, scientists must determine their
              existence through research and measurement. By using such
              tools, scientists have already proven the existence of several
              black holes. However, there is a strong probability that many
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