Page 81 - The Day of Judgment
P. 81

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                  79

               BLACK HOLES

               At present, scientists believe that black holes of enormous mass
             exist in the center of many galaxies. Their massive gravitational
             force swallows its own radiation and everything else that comes
             within its vicinity, an action that only further increases their size
             and gravitational force. They can pull in stars many times their own
             size, planets, smaller black holes, and even whole galaxies. As our
             planet travels rapidly in the endless void of space, one day it might
             enter the gravitational zone of a black hole.
               Black holes are a most dense phenomenon that pulls in
             everything. Their gravitational force is so strong that nothing in its
             path can escape it. Just like a vacuum cleaner, black holes suck in

             everything in their gravitational spectrum: planets, satellites,
             asteroids, and even stars. Once they enter this field of gravity, they
             cannot escape.
               Why do black holes suck in everything?
               As we know, every object exerts a certain gravitational force. For
             example, if we throw a stone into the sky, it will go up until it
             exhausts its velocity and then falls to the ground by the force of
             gravity. For an object to escape Earth's gravity, it needs to exceed a
             certain speed in one direction (velocity). If a rocket is to break free of
             Earth's gravity, it must reach a velocity that can overcome gravity:
             11.2 kms (7 miles) per second.
               To escape a black hole, the object must travel faster than the
             speed of light. However, since nothing can exceed the speed of light,

             nothing can escape a black hole's gravity, not even bundles of light
             traveling at a speed of 300,000 kms (190,000 miles) per second. Since
             not even light can escape, black holes are always dark. There is no
             reason why our planet, traveling at high speeds through space,
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