Page 24 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 24
Some, on the other hand, lack self-confidence because
they are not noticeably attractive. In fact, this is another form
of egotism. The person in question, attributes her beauty to
herself, and considers the absence of it as a deficiency or flaw.
Regarding this issue, it is the conduct of believers that is most
commendable. Believers feel contented with what Allah has
granted them, and do not make their physical qualities a
matter of self-doubt or arrogance. They are aware that the
real owner of their bodies is Allah, and that they are merely
being tested by them. It is the soul that matters and one' s
nearness to Allah.
Being grateful to Allah, aware that beauty is a blessing
granted by Him to man, and thereby, being modest, is the
most exemplary manner of conduct. Meanwhile, it may well
be that Allah grants inner beauty, charm and light from His
sight to one who avoids boasting about what he has,
remaining aware that it is Allah Who possesses everything.
Thus, such a person may be better liked by people than a lot
of others would with a better physical appearance.
Status, Prestige and Esteem
Do not strut arrogantly about the earth. You will
certainly never split the earth apart nor will you ever
rival the mountains in height. (Surat al-Isra' : 37)
Holding a status, and the prestige it brings, is one of the
allurements of the life of this world. It is surely vain and
irrational to be arrogant and feel superior due to the status
and prestige one enjoys in this life. History abounds with the
examples of people who possessed status and great power,
yet lost them both in an instant. Surely, everyone is familiar