Page 26 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 26
destruction for what they have earned. They will have
scalding water to drink and a painful punishment
because they were disbelievers. (Surat al-An' am: 70)
In essence, those who boast about their status, and
consider themselves superior to others, are the ones who
suffer the most from the consequences of their actions. That
is because, there is always someone who is greater in status
or position, next to whom such people feel inferior,
something which is a great cause of embarrassment to these
Another aspect of the subject we are discussing deserves
special mention; their arrogance brings no benefits
whatsoever in this world. Although these people earn some
form of appreciation from others, they are, in actuality, those
who are disliked and whose company is the least welcomed.
Those who are humble, on the other hand, are those who
have recognised the importance of character, wisdom and
morality as true values. They do not boast of their qualities.
And, owing to this character, they earn the love, respect and
appreciation of others.
Intelligence, Enlightenment, and Education
Aside from wealth, beauty and social status, which are
the major causes of arrogance, there is another factor to
which people attach considerable importance. They consider
being a graduate of a prestigious college, for instance, a very
important matter of pride.
However, as is the case with all other things in life,
attending such a school is also a part of the destiny Allah has
predetermined. Therefore, making this a matter of pride