Page 27 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 27
Causes Of Arrogance
would be an unjust glorification of one' s self.
In the hereafter, man will be questioned, neither about the
college he graduated from, nor of his intellectual
background. (Certainly, an education is important but
definitely not something to boast about.) In Allah' s presence,
man will be held responsible for his sincerity, faith, modesty,
and his acts of worship.
However, for such people, who make it their major goal
to attain the temporal values of this world, any quality-be it
minor or important-may turn out to be a cause for arrogance.
Possessing profound knowledge about a subject is one such
quality. In fact, though a person may be exceedingly skilled
at mathematics, or may have developed important theories
in the field of physics, there is only one important issue we
need to consider; even if he employs all his knowledge, he
can never change even a single law of physics or create a
living cell.
Apart from the basic issues we have mentioned above,
there are also those who boast of their insignificant qualities.
For them, simple privileges, such as a good-looking hair, a
new car, clothes, competence with computers, a rich voice,
popular friends, etc. may be reason for them to boast.
However, those who are more wise are continually aware of
the banality and triviality of this simplistic type of thinking.
The wise, that is, the prophets and believers, who had
remained modest throughout their lives, provide a good role
model for us to follow. The Prophet Sulayman, for instance,
employed all his wealth and power for the cause of Allah.
Similarly, Dhu' l-Qarnayn considered the authority he had
over nations as a means to serve the religion of Allah. The