Page 32 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 32

                                  THE ARROGANCE OF SATAN

              themselves, yet, paradoxically, feel the constant worry of
              doing the wrong thing. The arrogant ardently avoid all kinds
              of mistakes; making a mistake for them is an embarrassment.
              Therefore, they deny even the possibility. They are in a
              constant struggle to escape accusation of any faults. In a
              verse, Allah describes a disposition of these people:

                  Do you not see those who praise themselves for purity? No,
                  Allah purifies whoever He wills. They will not be wronged
                  by so much as the smallest speck. (Surat an-Nisa' : 49)
                  The arrogant humiliate others when they discover their
              mistakes. They exaggerate the errors other people make, taking
              every opportunity to bring these to light. They show no pity for
              anyone who commits an error, and become condescending
              towards them. They erroneously assume that if they reveal
              others' mistakes they make apparent their own faultlessness.
              Therefore, no one can feel at ease in their company. Such people
              always create an atmosphere of negativity.
                  Due to these reprehensible qualities, the arrogant can
              never master sincerity in its true sense. They remain

              deprived of this quality because they are aloof, always
              scheming. Such traits hinder them from being sincere
              towards others, being the reason why others distance
              themselves from them. They always fear that sincere
              behaviour, or natural shortcomings may become an object of
              ridicule. Due to their bad character, the arrogant are usually
              abandoned by others when they lose their power or fortune.
              Yet, we need to remember that, even at those times when
              they feel they are powerful, they are still alone in their own
              inner-world, so distant from the morality of the Qur' an.
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