Page 31 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 31

                                Effects of Arrogance on the Soul

                  Though the reasons for arrogance differ from one person
              to another, depending on their respective traits, there is a
              state of mind common to nearly all arrogant people. In the
              following section, we will consider some general character
              traits that result from this state of mind.

                  They are in a Diseased and Disturbed
                  State of Mind

                  A normal person, who enjoys a stable state of mind, is
              extroverted, open and sincere. An arrogant person, however,
              suffers a darkened and disturbed state of mind. Being
              deceived and carried away by his pride, his inner-world is a
              sombre place of distress and anxiety; consumed with devious
              thoughts and schemes. Such a state of mind becomes
              exhausting, and causes them to age before their time.
                  Lacking in character, they are cold and ill-tempered. It is
              rare to see a pleasant expression or sign of affection or
              appreciation on their face, or to hear an encouraging word
              from them. One cannot feel relaxed among them or enjoy
              their company. Men tend to become aggressive and irascible.
              In woman, on the other hand, arrogance manifests itself as
              uneasiness. Wherever they are, a minor problem is likely to
              cause tension in them and absorb them in quarrel.

                  They Greatly Fear Making Mistakes

                  All acts and thoughts of those who are abundantly proud
              are directed towards earning the appreciation of others, and
              of making themselves out to be superior. For this reason, they
              excessively fear making mistakes. For them, making mistakes
              is a form of humiliation. They have total confidence in
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