Page 28 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 28

                                  THE ARROGANCE OF SATAN

              Prophet Dawud, as well, showed meticulous attention in
              complying with Allah' s commands and in being just.
                  In addition to these few chosen people, the lives of the
              followers of the Prophet Muhammad (saas) also provide a

              good role model for Muslims. Although the majority of them
              came from the prominent families of the society they lived in,
              they did not hesitate for a moment but sided with Allah and
              His Messenger, when forced to make a choice between their
              possessions, money, the people around them, and Allah' s
              religion. That is because, they were very well aware that the
              life of this world is insignificant, and that the real resting-
              place is the hereafter. With the intention of earning the good
              pleasure of  Allah, they sided with the Prophet (saas),
              emigrated when they were forced to, left behind their wealth
              and riches, did not covet the social standing or rank they had
              held, and devoted their entire lives to service in Allah' s path.
                  The character that is pleasing to Allah is obvious. Those
              who may currently be in possession of blessings such as
              wealth, beauty, intelligence, prestige, youth etc., must
              remember to keep in mind that it is Allah Who grants them
              these and that they are being tested by them. On the Day of
              Judgement, they will be called to give an account for each of
              these blessings. In the Qur' an, Allah relates the psychology

              of those who fail to grasp this fact, and thereby, become
              arrogant towards Him:
                  Does he imagine that no one has power over him? He
                  says, "I have consumed vast quantities of wealth." Does
                  he imagine that no one has seen him? (Surat al-Balad: 5-7)
                  For his own benefit, the reader must think about his own
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