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Part Five – Student Manual

                        5.11.7.  Students  should  take  all  subjects  as  prescribed  and  sequentially  arranged  in  the
                                 curriculum of the different course offerings.

                        5.12. Advanced Credits/Accreditation of Units Earned
                        5.12.1. A transferee from a recognized college/university shall be given equivalent credits if the
                                 subjects  he  has  earned  from  that  school  apply  to  any  of  the  university  curricula;
                                 provided that he meets the following regulations on accreditation;
               Subjects taken in State Colleges and Universities shall be validated; provided that the
                                     course descriptions and the number of units of the said subjects are the same as
                                     those offered in the University;
                There  shall  be  no  invalidation  of  courses  of  foreign  students  taken  in  their  home
                                     countries, provided that the course descriptions and the number of units of said
                                     subjects are the same as those offered in the University;
               Subjects taken by a transferee from a non-state college or university shall be validated
                         if the
                                     grades obtained thereon are not lower than 75%, provided that  the corresponding
                                     course descriptions and the number of units thereof are the same as those offered
                                     in the University;
               If the number of units of a subject earned outside the University is less than that
                                     prescribed  for  the  course,  the  student  shall  enroll  the  offered  subjects  in  the
                                     University; and
               In case of slight differences in the description of the course like the use of the words
                                     Principles, Fundamentals, Introduction, general etc., the concerned Department
                                     Chairman of the College in concurrence with the College Dean where the subject
                                     is classified may issue a
                                     certification to the effect that such subject can be accredited in lieu of the subject
                                     being offered in the University.

                        5.13. Changing and Adding Subjects
                        5.13.1. Changing and adding subjects by a student shall be allowed within the first week of
                                 classes only.  The  changes shall be effected by accomplishing the IFSU  Form  4 on
                                 Changing/Adding/Dropping Subject which shall be approved by the College Dean to
                                 which the student belongs.  It is assessed by the accounting section with payment of
                                 the corresponding service fee at the Cash Section .The form will be submitted back to
                                 the University Registrar for recording and filing;
                        5.13.2. Changing/Adding/Dropping of subjects shall be made only for valid reasons and stated
                                 in writing to be approved by the College Dean and acknowledged by the Registrar;
                        5.13.3. A difference in the assessed fees resulting from a subject that was changed with another
                                 that has more units shall be paid by the concerned student;
                        5.13.4. Total load carried by a student including the additional subject/s must not exceed the
                                 maximum  under  the  rule  on  academic  load  or  that,  which  is  prescribed  for  his
                                 curriculum year during the term/semester; and
                        5.13.5. Subject changed/added unofficially or without prior approval of the Dean shall not be
                         given credit.


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