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W I T H . .
Company - Bump & Bee ’s
Nursery Decorations
B U M P & B E E ' S Email:
Tell me about yourself....
I only use organic cottons, linen & wool
During my senior school years, I was
material to create each design. A major
very fortunate to have had an
part of designing is the research, along
incredible textiles department within
with reviewing existing products. We
the school, which lead me to discover
noticed that baby mobiles come with
my passion in the arts & crafts world! By
a heavy price tag due to the
the end of Sixth Form I was at a stage
time, skill set & materials used. We felt
of being able to laser cut materials to
with a heavy heart towards this as we
create my own fabrics and patterns.
want all expecting Mummies & Daddies
Upon leaving school with this
to be able to decorate their nursery’s
wonderful skill set of pattern cutting &
with Bump & Bee’s designs so with this
textile design, I went on to achieve an
in mind Bump & Bee’s offer three
amazing Degree with Honours
different pricing levels on some of our
studying Fashion Design in London,
products. First is the finished product.
Throughout my time in University I
Second the “construct at home pack”
always focused each collection on
containing all pre-cut patterns,
fabric manipulation and surface
materials & instructions. Third and
design. My inspiration has always leant
finally will be the PDF patterns
towards natural & organic forms, even
& instructions download. We hope with
to this day this is still my muse behind
this levelling that we can cater to all.
designing each product.
Why Bump & Bee’s?
Whats next for Bump & Bee’s?
I chose the name Bump & Bee’s very
quickly, my first name choice was
We hope to introduce decals for walls,
going to be “Amelia & Theodore”, These
ceilings & doors to create beautiful
are my husband and I’s favourite baby
murals, along with
names, however, we both felt it odd to
some gorgeous wall mobiles (these lay
name a company on our chosen baby
flat against the wall rather than hang
names when they aren’t on the scene
over a cot),
just yet! So Bump & Bee’s it was,
garlands & baby gym pieces. Our
combining the phrase “about the birds
online shop will be live on Etsy,
and the bees” and "Baby Bump”. With
Facebook & Instagram by
the seal of approval from husband and
September 1st.
the family it stuck, the following day I
developed the logo and here we are!
Thank you Bump & Bee's we
look forward to seeing all
What does Bump & Bee’s Offer?
your beautiful hand crafted
Our main focus is on Nursery
decoration - we have 7 baby mobiles &
items to come!
3 wall bunting designs in the pipeline
currently, each with varying themes,
techniques & materials. It’s a one man
band in my studio & everything is made
from scratch!
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