Page 17 - Foodies Follow Foodies
P. 17




   O U R   T O P   3   B O O K S   F O R   A U G U S T

   Say goodbye to cooking
   multiple meals every day!
   The faff of making special                                             Amazon, Kindle £6.66 By David Roche - Unbound
   little spoonfuls for your
   baby, plainer dishes for fussy                                          Just Where You Left It... and other Poems is
   older siblings, and                                                     a collection of humorous poetry about
   something different again                                               how to survive school, parents and
   for the grown-ups.                                                      everything else that’s unfair in life. From
   With this ingenious new way                                             David Roche come these simple and
   to introduce solid food to                                              charming rhymes designed to make
   your baby, you'll cook a                                                parents and children alike fall in love with
   single meal and eat it                                                  poetry again… or maybe for the first time.
   together as a family where                                              It all started with a poem about the agony
   baby will learn how to eat                                              of poetry recitation, written by David for
   from watching you.                                                      his son. In fact, all of these poems were
                          Amazon £9.99 What Mummy Makes                    written for his three sons, touching on
                                                                           everything they might encounter growing
       Each recipe is quick to prepare and easy to adapt for               up: exams, school meals, bullying, sports
            different ages and dietary requirements.                       days, embarrassing Dads and nagging and
                                                                           know-it-all Mums were fair game.

                                  Little Veggie Eats: Easy Weaning Recipes For All the Family to
                                  Enjoy (Vermilion, £14.99)

                                  I have fallen for this book, its not often i can go through a recipe book and want to
                                  try every recipe!  Even if you don't follow the veggie life style, this book is still
                                  brimming with recipes you will love!

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