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The Face Behind.... JULY2020
Hi! I’m Ally, 36, from Bedfordshire where I The great part of social media is that since We have adapted easier than I thought. I
live with my husband Michael and nearly beginning my page, I have found so many personally love cooking home comfort
20 month old son Jenson. parents who have similar journeys. I’ve foods which I can experiment flavours with
found some great pages where they share such as casseroles, blognaise and curries- a
I initially started my Instagram page finds that aren’t necessarily in the lot of which tend to have coconut milk
@dairysoyafreebubba as an allergy page, free-from aisle, as they often come with which he can have.
to find like minded parents who were the bigger price tag!
going through the same trials and My Instagram page isn’t just about food,
tribulations as we have since Jenson was For example, a lot of garlic breads are I’ve branched out into sensory play
diagnosed with CMPA (cows milk protein sunflower oil based not butter.It’s also an activities, mental health and it has been a
allergy). eye opener for ingredients which you great place to meet other parents and
wouldn’t think carry milk, such as checking connect.. Follow me @dairysoyafreebubba
He suffered as a baby from colic reflux and stock cubes- chicken ones tend to have and I’ll happily follow back. Look forward to
struggled with winding - unfortunately as milk in. Also, in bread there is often soya sharing recipe and food tips!
a first mum I just thought this was the type flour, however, we have found bloomers
of baby he was. However, he also tend to be both dairy and soya free. Check out my dairy and soya free,
developed a rash when drinking his Chicken, Pancetta and Leek Pie!
milk. I suffer from rashes but not allergy
related so didn’t think much of it but this
appeared always when he was drinking his
formula milk. After visiting a doctor and
being referred to a dietician, it became
apparent he was allergic to cows milk.
We had just started weaning Jenson when
he was diagnosed, so luckily hadn’t given
him too much dairy, but found he also
seemed to react to soya, as they are
similar proteins, so have cut that from
his diet too.
I thought it would be difficult to move to
this new way of cooking but it turns out
there are some great alternatives on the
market. We use oat milk for his drinks and
in cooking and we found there are many
butters which are actually made from
sunflower oil, and lots of free from brands,
such as Violife cheese - the spread is just
like any other real cream cheese.
Veganism is so popular and that works
well for us too as they are all dairy free
products (although not necessarily soya
free). That has been the difficult option
sometimes, as we have found that a lot
of dairy alternatives are soya based -
particularly with snacks, such as yogurts
and ice creams. However, this isn’t to say
that soya free alternatives don’t exist and
there are always new ones coming on to
the market.
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