Page 118 - RKJ 2019 Online Flip Version
P. 118
“But I’m having fun,” Rufus laughed. “And now “You see, we need to comment on that “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll end the story
if you will excuse me I think I have to go do alcohol events,” Reno slurred. “So he makes without a proper resolution,” Reno quipped.
what these youngsters are calling ‘dabbing’.” the Turks do it because we’re always drunk.”
“Why does he make us drink,” Rude The End
groaned. “Cause those two whole scenes
~* Nobody Wants To See That *~
where we were in bars. I mean we got a hard
Next up was a card tournament based upon job of course we gotta drink now and again.”
the popular Triple Triad. Each person with a
ticket (and indeed a few people without tickets, “One trick-pony,” Reno added. “That’s all
but with access to a world-spanning military he knows how to do. I bet he’s not even
regime) was given a small hand to play with. building up to a joke or anything.”
Elena seemed to be the best player in their
group casually winning hand after hand with ~* No, I’m Not *~
expert strategy. Scarlet attempted cheap
distracting strategies but this was ruled poor Rufus smiled widely as they returned to the
sportsmanship and she was forced to wait out buggy. “You know, I’ve learned something
the remainder of the tournament. Reeve didn’t from this fan event.”
bother entering the card tourney either, but did “That the author is a narcissistic loser who
spend a great deal of time trading with others has to make everything about himself?” Reno
while admiring the fantastic artwork. asked.
“Somebody clearly spent an enormous “Err, no,” Rufus faltered.
amount of time on these things,” Reeve smiled.
“They look amazing. Look at this, it’s pristine.” “That basic rules of decent human conduct
needing to be reinforced in a comedy fiction is
“The art is very pretty,” Scarlet agreed. “I both unfunny and preachy,” Scarlet asked.
mean if I were writing a story about this event I
would definitely be sure to include a few “Not that either,” Rufus replied.
paragraphs just to comment how amazing they “That a community event between people
look, regardless how unnaturally it flows with who love something is a wonderful idea and
the rest of the story.” that while we may come from various
Reeve ignored this and continued to boast. backgrounds, cultures, races, religions and so
“I swear each card just keeps getting better forth being able to join together as one out of
and better! Whoever did this should be very love for something we love is a beautiful
proud!” testament to the healing power of the arts?”
Elena asked.
“No. I’ve learned that if you don’t leave
~* Suck-Up Transition *~ your car parked in a safe place, somebody will
All good things must come to an end, and so probably steal it,” Rufus said, pointing
the event began to wind down. It would have expectantly to the nothing where once stood
been a seamless and tasteful exit, except for their ride home.
the later events included alcohol. Reno and “Oh,” Reeve groaned, rubbing his head.
Rude had somehow managed to sneak into
the event, perhaps drawn in by the scent of a “Probably should have stayed with the
predictable joke, and were knocking back buggy instead of making a dumb joke,” Rude
shots like soda. shrugged.