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P. 113

On quarter days, when the landlord’s agent           More likely, it was just another way of trying to            She  put  on  his  dead  grandfather’s  old
            came  to  collect  the  rent-money,  he  rode  into       frighten the children into staying in the village.       waxed felt boots, wrapped the bark-cloth rain-
            the village on a shiny dark blue bicycle. It had          Goblin-men  came  from  out  there,  like  all  the      cape around her shoulders, tied the wide straw
            a bell on the handlebars and its tyres boasted            best things did, cars and bicycles, toilet paper         hat onto her head. Handing  Tseng a fox-trap,
            brilliant  white  rims.  Three  times  in  Tseng’s        and  ball-point  pens.  If  Tseng  passed  this          she  picked  up  two  more,  one  in  either  hand,
            memory  the  landlord  himself  had  passed               exam,  he  might  get  the  chance  to  go  there,       and together they set off through the gathering
            through the village in his fine yellow motorcar.          too.                                                     light, up the path that led into the cloud forests.
            Once,  during  the  rainy  season,  the  car  had             Both  the  human  stranger  and  the  goblin         Pine  needles  lay  thick  upon  the  ground.  The
            become  stuck  in  the  mud  on  the  outskirts  of       stranger were wearing clothes like the clothes           smell of wet earth and pine trees and greenery
            the  village,  and  everyone  had  dropped  what          the  landlord’s  agent  wore,  made  of  heavy           was  so  strong  that  it  went  to  Tseng’s  head;
            they were doing to help pull it out, the men, the         material  with  lots  of  fastenings  and  pockets,      bursting with joy, he began to run, his bare feet
            boys,  and  even  the  women  and  girls  rushing         high-collared white shirts, and a kind of ribbon         making no sound on the springy path.
            eagerly  for  a  chance  to  touch  the  glossy           knotted  tightly  around  the  neck.  Embroidered            “Ssst,”  his  grandmother  called  him  back.
            machine.  On the bonnet of the car was a large            into the ribbon was the same red diamond and             “This is a good place.”
            red  diamond  and  some  writing  in  a  language         gold  characters  that  Tseng  had  seen  on  the
            that  Tseng  recognized,  though  he  could  not          bonnet of the landlord’s car and on the soles of             They  laid  one  of  her  traps,  walked  on  for
            read  it;  the  same  symbols  were  stamped  into        the women’s shoes. The two men, human and                another twenty minutes, and laid another.  The
            the soles of the plastic flip-flops his mother and        goblin,  looked  hot  and  uncomfortable  in  their      agent  would  pay  good  money  for  the  tails.
            grandmother      wore     around     the   village.       suits,  but  also  serious  and  important.    Their     Tseng  wondered  what  happened  to  the  tails
            Whenever they stepped in soft earth, they left            polished  black  leather  shoes  were  the  most         once  the  agent  had  taken  them.    Where  did
            the imprint of those two characters behind.                                                                        they go? Who wanted them? What for?
                                                                      beautiful things Tseng had ever seen. For the
                 Arriving at the village hall, Tseng joined the       first time in his life he felt ashamed of his bare           “Foxes  are  clever,”  he  said  to  his
            two dozen boys waiting outside. Some of them              feet,  and  tucked  them  carefully  under  his          grandmother. “Can’t they see that it’s a trap?”
            had  come  from  miles  away.  Not  long                  bottom where they couldn’t be seen.                          “Oh,  they  know,”  she  replied.  “But  their
            afterwards,  the  doors  opened,  and  the                    The  questions  on  the  exam  were  easy.           curiosity is too much for them. They can’t resist
            headman came out to usher the boys to their               Tseng returned home feeling elated and guilty.           taking a peek inside.”
            places. Tseng sat at the desk provided, took a            He could see his mother had been crying. Over
            deep breath, and looked around. Straight away             dinner, his grandmother asked him briefly if the             “And then they’re sorry.”
            he noticed the two strangers standing against             morning had gone well, and then they did not                 “Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows what a fox
            the wall.  One was a human being. The other               speak of it again. He rested, spent the rest of          thinks?  Let’s  put  this  last  one  by  the  spring.
            was a goblin-man.                                                                                                  That never fails.”
                                                                      the afternoon working in the field, and then in
                 Tseng quickly turned his face away, to hide          the  evening  joined  the  other  boys  hanging              Running  up  the  hill  ahead  of  her,  Tseng
            his  start  of  surprise.  He  was  far  too  proud  to   around  the  headman’s  house  hoping  for  a            rounded a bend in the path and saw the goblin
            stare, but while he waited for the papers to be           glimpse of the goblin-man. While they waited,            man.  He was standing with his back to Tseng,
            distributed he studied the goblin carefully out of        they  talked  over  the  exam,  checking  with           looking out across the tree-tops, but  when he
            the corner of his eye. He’d never seen one in             Tseng to see if they had got the answers right.          heard  Tseng’s  breathing  and  the  crack  of  the
            the  flesh  before.  It  –  or  he,  since  Tseng         “Of course, you will pass,” they said. Modesty           twig  under  Tseng’s  foot  he  turned  around,
            presumed it  was male – had thick, colourless             prevented  him  from  agreeing  with  them  out          looked at him blindly, and smiled.  Even though
            curly  hair  sticking  up  all  over  his  head,  and     loud.  The  goblin  man  failed  to  put  in  an         Tseng  knew  it  was  childish  to  be  frightened,
            eyes  that  looked  blind,  or  perhaps  were  only       appearance,  and  eventually  they  all  went            that goblin smile unnerved him; he dropped his
            covered  with  some  sort  of  blue  film,  since  he     home.                                                    gaze  to  the  level  of  the  stranger’s  chest,  and
            could apparently see with them as well as any                 The  next  morning  his  grandmother  woke           saw  that  he  was  holding  in  his  pale  hands  a
            real  person.  He  smiled  a  bit  too  widely  when      him early from his bed. The sun had just begun           small,  box-like  object  made  of  metal  and
            he  looked  at  the  assembled  children,  but  his       to rise. His mother was still sleeping.  “You’re         plastic. It looked like some kind of machine.
            teeth  were  not  very  pointy.  Tseng  suspected         going to be needing money,” his grandmother
            that  most  of  the  things  people  said  about  the     said. “Come on, you can help me.”                            The  stranger  spoke.  Of  course,  it  was
            goblin-men  were  probably  not  true,  anyway.                                                                    gibberish.  Unsure  of  the  correct  protocol  for
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